Motivational status in English

We have created here a collection of the Motivational English Status short phrases or sentences which are written in English language and that you can use to express your thoughts, feelings, or emotions.

To say hello to the right person you have to say goodbye to the wrong one.

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on building the new.

Follow your dreams dont let anyone or anything stand in your way.

Dont cry because he left. Smile because he gave you an opportunity to find someone BETTER.

Make Decisions based on what you know rather than what you feel.

Forget about what everyone else thinks and says. If it makes you happy, Go for it.

when I is replaced by WE even illness becomes wellness.

“Enjoy your youth. You will never be younger than you are at this very moment .”

Everything is going to be alright, maybe not today, but eventually.

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy.

One Day, you will be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a Good one.

“When something bad happens you have 3 choices, You can either let it define you, destroy you, or let it strengthen you.”

Stand up for something which is worth, even if it means standing alone.

Sometimes I am crazy. Sometimes I am stressed. Sometimes I am lonely. But truly I am blessed.

All of the stupid mistakes you have made in the past, lead you into the person that you are today. Never regret them.

Looking good isnt Self importance, its Self Respect.

Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and realize what you deserve.

Sometimes you have to do something you have never done, in order to get something you have never had.

Just because a person Smiles all the time doesn’t mean their life is perfect. that smile is symbol of HOPE & Strength.

You’re beautiful. wouldn’t you rather wait for one amazing guy to notice that, rather than a bunch of stupid ones?

Everyone who is in your life is meant to be a part of your journey but not all of them are meant to stay.

To be rich, is not what you have in your bank account, but what you have in your heart.

Sometimes you have to do whats best for you and your life, not whats best for everybody else.

Sometimes people never get what they deserve because they are too busy holding on to things they’re supposed to let go.

You can do anything if you have a person who believes in you.

Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with someone else.

Perfect maturity is when a person hurts you, and you try to understand their situation and don’t hurt them back.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

Never force yourself to have a space in anyone’s life because if they really know your worth, they’ll surely create one for you.

You’ll never find the right person if you never let go of the wrong one.

Keep in mind that people change, but the past doesn’t.

Some people advise you what to do and some people forbid what not to do, but the genuine people just ask you if they can do anything for you

Cheer up sweet beautiful girl! you are going to love again and it will be magnificent .

Appreciate what you have before it turns into what you had.

The moment you give up, is the moment you let someone else win.

You will fall, You will break, You will fail. And then, You will rise, You will heal, You will overcome. That’s Life.

Nobody cares about your story until you win, so win.

Mindset is what separates the Best from the rest.

Your days are better when you focus on your blessings more than your problems.

The pages of your past cannot be rewritten, but the pages of your tomorrows are blank. Create it beautifully…

Tough times always teach you valuable lessons….

Focus on your goals, they’re closer than you think….

Things will change if u think in a positive way..

Never settle for less than you deserve.

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.

When something bad happens, you have three choices you can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you

Sometimes you have to do whats best for you and your life, not whats best for everybody else.

Don’t worry, the right ones won’t leave

God, i need you the most

Real ones stays in bad times

Stop hurting yourself. Stop loving someone that aren’t real so much.

Life is a circle of happiness, sadness, hard times, and good times. If you are going through hard times have faith that good times are on the way

Waking up every morning is another 24 hours extended by God a miracle from Him. Be thankful.

Life brings Simple Pleasures to us every day. It’s up to us to make them wonderful memories.

Save your heart for someone that’s worth dying for.

Life is not over –

No Relationship is ever a waste of time. if it didn’t bring you what you want, it taught you what you DONT want.

Stop comparing yourself to others, you are amazing.

Stop running back to the people who don’t care about you.

Beauty isn’t about having a pretty face its about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul.

You are what you think so go out & be fabulous.

Sometimes you just have to let things go. Breathe relax & trust God. Worrying won’t fix it but trusting God will.

Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.

When you woke up God give you a gift called today. Use it well make it count. give thanks for His precious gift always.

If you seek Joy within, you will be happy no matter what is going on around you.

“Two things define you: Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything”

The People you fight with most are the People worth Fighting for.

Try not to take things personally, what people often say is a reflection of them and not you.

Sometimes you just have to erase the messages delete the numbers and move on.

You cant go back and change the past, so look to the future and don’t make the same mistakes twice.

Save your smiles for the people who deserve to see them .

if you’re feeling lonely,just remember that there are trillions of tiny creatures living on and in your body thinking you’re their universe

You never really stop loving someone, you just learn to live without then.

Just because you fail once doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything.

When something bad happens to you, you have three choices, let it define you, let it break you or make you stronger.

Pain makes people change but it also makes them stronger.

Don’t let your happiness depend on something you may lose.

Being sad is a total waste of time. It doesn’t change anything and all it does is to mess up your mind and steal your happiness.

Pain makes you stronger, tears makes you braver, and heartbreaks makes you wiser, so thank the past for a better future.

Don’t cry over the past, it’s gone. Don’t stress about the future, it hasn’t arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful.

Don’t try and perfect yourself for one person. Wait for the one that loves your imperfections.

Sometimes you have to forgive and forget. Forgive them for hurting you and forget that they exist. Move on!

Sorry heart, but I’m listening to my brain this time. I know better.

Never live in fear of losing someone, and if they make you feel that way, then they are the one who should be losing you.

What other people think of you is none of your business.

If you didn’t learn anything from your previous relationship then it was a waste of time.

The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

even if i am shattered i still have ability to be strong enough to fight !!

Wanna know who’s beautiful? The girl who is reading this right now

Don’t cry because he left. Smile because he gave you an opportunity to find someone BETTER.

I’m mature enough to forgive you, but not dumb enough to trust you again.

What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow.

Follow the path in your HEART, it will always lead you where you need to BE..

The end of one story is always a beginning of another story. For everything you lose, you`ll always gain something better.

If they doesn’t make u a priority, then explore ur options

Don’t promise when you’re happy, Don’t reply when you’re angry, and don’t decide when you’re sad.

Actions speak louder than words, so if you wanna win someone over, do it with your actions, not just sweet words.

Don’t Let Anyone’s Drama, hatred, negativity, ignorance Stop you from being the best Person you Can be

When ‘I’ is replaced by ‘We’, even ‘illness’ turns into ‘Wellness’.

Always ask God to give you what you deserve , not what you desire. Your desires may be few but you deserve a lot.

Sometimes you got to shut up, swallow your pride and accept that you’re wrong . it’s not called giving up , its called growing up .

Be good enough to forgive someone, But don’t be stupid enough to trust them again.

If you dont build your own dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.

Over-thinking will destroy you.

Just because you fail once doesnt mean you are gonna fail at everything.

Make your move, before they are gone. Because people change, and hearts move on.

To success in life… You need two things… Ignorance and Confidence…

Don’t be afraid of losing someone who doesn’t feel lucky to have you.

Hard Work + Dream + Dedication = Success.

Do or Die…There is no try.

“SUCCESS” is depends on 2nd letter.

Over-thinking will destroy you.

Success Is A Fight Between You & Yourself.

Head up, Stay strong, Fake a smile and MOVE ON.

Tough times always teach you valuable lessons….

Never give up. Great things take time.

If you believe in yourself, things are possible.

Nobody cares about your story until you win, so win.

What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow.

If you don’t ask, you don’t get.

To success in life… You need two things… Ignorance and Confidence…

Always ask God to give you what you deserve , not what you desire. Your desires may be few but you deserve a lot.

Be good enough to forgive someone, But don’t be stupid enough to trust them again.

To shine like the sun, you need to burn like one.

“Dreams is not what you see in sleep is the thing which doesn’t let you sleep”

You will fall, You will break, You will fail. And then, You will rise, You will heal, You will overcome. That’s Life.

Don’t promise when you’re happy, Don’t reply when you’re angry, and don’t decide when you’re sad.

Just because you fail once doesnt mean you are gonna fail at everything.

The pages of your past cannot be rewritten, but the pages of your tomorrows are blank. Create it beautifully…

Focus on your goals, they’re closer than you think….

Don’t be afraid of losing someone who doesn’t feel lucky to have you.

If you dont build your own dream, someone will hire you to build theirs.

” Failures are temporary ,But success is Permanent..”

Self-trust is the first secret of success.

Don’t tell people your dreams, SHOW THEM!

Save your smiles for the people who deserve to see them .

Great things never come from comfort zones.

Pain makes people change but it also makes them stronger.

If you dream it, you can do it.

Things will change if u think in a positive way..

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

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